the Hairy Coo

Scottish Highland Cow
The Mascot

Hamish is the spirited Scottish Highland cow and the proud mascot of WorldKind, a public benefit corporation dedicated to fostering global learning and development initiatives.

Born and raised in the picturesque landscapes of the Scottish Highlands, Hamish has a natural affinity for the values of collaboration, inclusivity, and kindness. With his endearing charm and gentle demeanor, Hamish loves to engage with diverse communities and believes in the power of collaboration.

Whether he's wandering through rolling meadows or lending a hoof in support of various projects, Hamish is a true ambassador for WorldKind's commitment to creating a positive societal impact. His shaggy auburn coat and distinctive long horns make him not only an iconic figure but also a symbol of resilience and adaptability.

Beyond his role as the beloved mascot of WorldKind, Hamish has taken on the additional responsibility of hosting in-person training. With a knack for turning snack time into an educational experience, Hamish has become a seasoned teacher in the fine art of carrot-feeding and sharing insights into the delectable treats that resonate with Scottish Highland cows across the Highlands. 

With each gentle moo and friendly gaze, Hamish continues to leave a mark on the hearts of those he encounters, symbolizing the principles of WorldKind and the pursuit of a brighter, kinder future for all. 

Can you find the Hamish cameo in this WorldKind game? Check it out here! 


Asking for a buddy… What's a "coo"?

Oh, my sweet Sassenach Friends. It's Scottish for "cow," of course. Hay...er, Hey, since we're on the topic, did you know highland coos are the oldest registered cattle breed in the world?

How do you support global Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs)? 

Another great question and one I was asked when I was interviewing for the mascot position! I'm an udder brilliant sustainability icon for a coo-liedoscoope of reasons, if I do say so myself. Here are just a few:

  • By entertaining global travelers with coo tricks and creating moments of joy and connection, I support education and development.

  • Coos have the transformative power of rehabilitating desolate lands. By feasting on thistles and nettles, often overlooked by other animals, we contribute to turning barren spaces into thriving ecosystems!

  • Coo poop is a remarkable fertilizer and underlines the commitment to responsible land management and agricultural practices, supporting goals related to life on land and responsible consumption.

Together with WorldKind, I champion a "world-kind" approach and always promote a harmonious balance between nature and human development! 

To learn more about the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), click here

To play and test your SDG knowledge, click here. 

Your hair is always  in your eyes! Why don't you style a mohawk or pigtails so you can see better? 

Excellent question! While a mohawk and pigtails are quite fashion forward (and I have ocassionally indulged) it's actually quite unnecessary thanks to coo-eyeball mechanics.

You see (pun intended), coos have panoramic vision, with a wide field of view of approximately 330 degrees!  This wide peripheral vision helps us see from various angles, contributing to our overall awareness of our surroundings... Plus, the extra shag helps protect our eyes from wind, rain, and snow. I agree - it is super coo...ool!

What are your favorite treats?

I fancy carrots, apples, pumpkins, and cabbage leaves.

Are all Scottish Highland Coos gingers? 

Nope, not at all. Our cozy coats come in a moo-tiful array of shades – black, brown, yellow, white, grey, tan, and, believe it or not, even white! We're clearly the stylish trendsetters of the Highland pastures.

What are your favorite jokes?

Ah, I've got two pasture favorites in my grazing menu. 

Why are cows excellent students?
Because they're always outstanding in their field of study!

What do you get when you cross a cow and a trampoline?

A milkshake!

Have you ever met Sam Heughan or Gerard Butler?

No comment. I've hoofed iron-clad NDAs.